14 Nov 2018

EU CRISIS: The House of Doll is Exposed to Europe’s Cultural Divisions

House of Doll. Culture wars are still a part of an
evolving post colonial Europe. Image Netherlands

We are in the moments a Brexit anti-hero makes its appearance. The confidence lines after the 2016 referendum between Leave and Remain over right and mistake are blurring. Post Brexit distinctions are re-shaping and becoming sharper and more bitter.

These distinctions are basic. Who rules!  Who decides the shape and form of society! For some the people’s views are second to the visions of those who are holding the power of law and order. To others in the game “People power” is everything.

In UK politics the question of whether surrender of national sovereignty justifies taking what is on offer from the European Union.

Across Europe a deeper and more profound debate is still bubbling. The deepening of the culture wars has formed a front where traditional and popular culture is linked to past colonial times, contemporary social political correctness and the sense that communities are being forced to accept new norms and reject old customs through finger pointing decree and shame and name tactics.
It has worked in the past in culture wars. China, Cambodia and the Soviet Union were all successful in implementing thought change and correct-thinking citizens, albeit after a decent into a horrible and inhuman society.

Whether Brexit will abdicate the UK’s sovereignty, or the EU succeeds in forming a left-leaning politically correct Superstate in its own image will soon be known. The 2019 EU elections and the Brexit finale are approaching. The phony peace abates. An opening salvo commences, pitching the democratic forces of Economic Nationalism against technocratic columns of Liberal Globalism.