the European Union winner of the Nobel peace prize 2012 gives much
need moral boost to Brussels Federalists. The prize was awarded on
the basis of past work to establish peace after the horrors of
European civil wars. Most of this sterling work was prior to forming
the EU in 1993. It is right and fitting leaders of post war Europe
are honoured for their fantastic efforts. Europeans are grateful. But
alas this prize was not given to Europe but to the European Union,
which in the eyes of the majority of its citizens, is now but a
pseudonym for bureaucratic Federalist institutions based in Brussels.
Institutions perceived as dividing not uniting, punishing not helping
and most of all detached and devoid of anchors to present reality.
FRIEDEN "Victorious Peace." Reactions range from bizarre to well deserved.
The Oslo based peace prize to the EU may divide rather than unite. 2012
of the internally appointed presidents will rush to Oslo to claim the
laurel. No doubt all three will want to go and produce a mistake on a
colossal scale.
In the midst of unpopular technocrats, a harmful
crisis some refer to as “financial war” and waning trust in the
purpose of the European project, non federalist will interpret the
award as very bad timing and taking sides in an effort to shore up fledgling Brussels reputations.
is noble to applaud past achievements. It is toxic to side with
failure. For it is under the watch of the current three Brussels
presidents that Europe is vastly divided in hearts and minds over
whether Citizens should follow them any further.
these presidents have any sense of strategy left they should renounce
any attempt to make political capital for the federalist cause and
allow all Europeans to win a sense of thought over why the board made
their choice. It would be bitter irony, if on December 10th,
would be Emperors were in Oslo collecting a peace prize while nations
were being racked by civil strife and fire from Athens to Madrid. A
situation some incorrectly regard as a creation of Federalists