refuses to bow the demands of their lenders, despite the growing risk of
The Greek PM
told his MPs: No to humiliation, No to financial strangulation and no to the
IMF. It has “criminal responsibility” for the damage caused to the Greek
economy since its first bailout.
continued; "The mandate we've taken by the Greek people is *not* a mandate
of creative ambiguity; it is clear mandate to stop austerity. “The obsession of
the Institutions on such measures means that they want the humiliation of the
Greek people.
Parliament president Martin Schulz replied “Any abandonment of the euro would
also result in a member state's ejection from the EU.”
this were to be true then Euro-skeptics have a new weapon to break the chains.
The Greeks
responded with; “This is the moral choice Syriza has to make. It is the poisonous
legacy of the EU-IMF Troika bail-out in May 2010, when EMU leaders roped in
their own taxpayers to bail out German and French banks and save the euro. So
yes, it is possible to imagine the worst. Yet if Europe was to act on this
punitive impulse, it would compound the disaster. “
![]() |
From Russian with Love. A Separatist pictured in Ukraine. Can Putin export a new Revolution to counter Global Financial Terrorism! |
But the
Biscuit went to the Polish PM who announced to the world that the whole Malarkey was nothing
more than a “Game of Chicken” and a “ Blame Game.” Would
he feel the same if it was his nation of Poles who were feeling the brunt of a
Troika financial pillorying and enduring a humanitarian crisis. This EU and its
European Project has degenerated to outright humiliation, subjugation and Euro
slavery. Europe has never been more divided since the Cold War.
Most likely
there will be the usual political muddle and fuddle to paper the cracks before
the end of June default deadline to the IMF. Greece’s reality is now so weak it
can barely stand on its feet and may succumb to being forced fed, bound, gagged
and thrown back into its cell.
No doubt
there will be the nod and wink to others from the Brussels Dictate to say this
is how far we will go to trample Democracy into the ground and prove ourselves
right about the Euro.
behind the scenes Putin’s strategy for EU containment is working. From Russia
comes love for those who are being thrashed and humiliated by the forces of
Global Financial terrorism. Their mantra being as follows:
must protect itself in every way. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed
as rapidly as possible. When through the process of law the common people lose
their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the
strong arm of government applied by a central power of wealth under leading
without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our
principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the
By dividing
the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions
of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd.
It is thus
by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well
planned and so successfully accomplished." - Banker’s Association
Mr Tsipras
had warned some weeks earlier that this crisis risk setting off a process that
may "entirely transform the economic and political balances throughout the
West." He may just be right about that.