10 Dec 2011

Merkozy summit outcomes. Die Rechnung Beginnt. Then there was 26 plus 1

Federal States 17: Eurozone Euroins
Confederate Nations of Europe 1: United Kingdom
Don't Knows 9: Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech Republic must consult their parliaments.
Friday 5am, Dec 2011 France's President Sarkozy marched out of negotiations declaring Britain had for the first time ever, vetoed a new treaty. Chancellor Angela Merkel followed saying "I really don't believe David Cameron was ever with us at the table." The 26, led by the Saxon Queen and her Parisian enforcer, will go it together and the U.K. will go it alone. “Dimension” Art of SuperState part 3 is born.
FiskalAnschlussWoche (fiscal union week) provided a gambit for France and Germany to chase the Grand Master Euroskeptic back home across the channel and to the unregulated City the Chancellor perceives as a root cause of the financial banking crisis.
“Bye Bye England” Europa macht ohne euch weiter! Cameron becomes the first to join into the Confederate Nations of Europe.
Fiscal Union Week.  Friday 9thDecember 2011 is a defining day in the chapters of European Union history. A moment of clarity. A day when Europe's nations came closer to Jean Monnet's and Robert Schuman's vision of Federal political union.
And Schism; the the moment United Kingdom walked away and became, the first member of the Confederate Nations of Europe.
Two Options, Two Decisions , One Europe to Save.
Angela Merkel hailed the agreement as a "Breakthrough toward the stability union, a fiscal union which will be implemented, step by step, over the next few years. Like all the rest of us, Great Britain depends on a stable Eurozone. We're all in the same boat." 
But bitter winds from Northern Europe blow resentment through SuperState. “Bye Bye England” Europa macht ohne euch weiter! (Europe goes on without you) reads a German popular headline. Cameron returns to his Conservative party and a hero's welcome in the British tabloid press.
For chroniclers surveying our times, all is not well with the outcome in Brussels. Some observers point to past tragic history. "Europe has returned to the stereotypes of the postwar years. The ugly German is back …..writes Berlin's Der Spiegel.
Others declare the eurozone will split. They say the traditional Brussels elite is being challenged by a new breed of anti-EU populists and that the European commission is despised and ignored by Paris and Berlin.
Ministers and officials are equally pessimistic.... “We face 10 years of austerity with grim German schoolmasters rapping everyone else over the knuckles.......when all this austerity hits the real economy, it will be bleak with unemployment going up.........the recession we have now entered is the first 'made in Europe' recession since 1993...........the Euro crisis has already taken a significant toll on the European economy. If things continue to worsen the toll could be huge”.....ends....
........and that icy wind blowing from the North will cover the land as a hard Winter tells its tale.........

8 Dec 2011

Merkozy Summit, Marseille, No Sunshine for Cameron

The "Devilish Merkozy Duo," as they have been dubbed in many capitals, “can do whatever the hell they like.”
The British position at the Merkozy summit in Brussels seems isolated. Leader Cameron says he will scupper any treaty which harms British interests. Meaning, the very people and practices which caused the crisis in the first place.
David Cameron may have bitten off more than he
 can chew. Europeans are doing it for themselves. 
Picture Dec 2011 
We have only a few weeks to save the Euro and, have the impression that some actors still haven't recognized the seriousness of the situation," said a senior German government official in Berlin , Wednesday.       
Sarkozy declared in Marseille Thursday, “Never has Europe been so necessary. Never has it been in so much danger, Never have so many countries wanted to join Europe. Never has the risk of a disintegration of Europe been so great. Europe is facing an extraordinarily dangerous situation. The diagnosis is that we have a few weeks to decide because time is working against us. If we aren't in agreement on this, I fear that we won't be able to agree on anything. That's the analysis."
Wow! Haven't some observers been saying this for quite some time now..................
The German chancellor said it was time to put aside national egos and national interest. but smaller nations have complained they're being forced to follow the agenda of Germany and France with very little room for discussion.
"The Führer has requested our presence," quipped an enraged diplomat recently. The rather rude comment followed attempts by Merkel's EU policy adviser to gain backing for Germany's position.
Throughout the crisis, many of the core Eurozone members have been greatly irritated by the British Conservative party's gloating satisfaction (Schadenfreude) with the UK's decision not to join the Euro.
German and French leaders are not optimistic of finding agreement among the 27 nations of the EU. “If negotiations break down then we will have a treaty for the 17 members of the eurozone. Coherence isn't everything,” said Sarkozy, “but in political life it counts. The situation is serious, the Euro could explode and Europe unravel. That would be a catastrophe not only for Europe and France, but for the world.”
Should the eurozone go ahead with a separate treaty that leaves out the non-Euro countries,” . Cameron explained, “then clearly that is not a treaty that Britain would be signing or would be amending.” But France and Germany have already made it clear that they will go ahead with their plans for the Eurozone without regard to the interests of Britain.
Britain tonight Thursday looks to be in a poor position to defend its interests at the summit.
Meanwhile back home, there are mounting calls for Cameron to make good his promise to hold a referendum on any proposed European treaty changes. With much of Britain in the anti-Europe camp, the nein danke side would most certainly prevail. No one said it was going to be easy........ 

6 Dec 2011

FiskalAnschlußWoche. The Financial Policing Vereinigung Kicks Off in Earnest.

Oh Lordy, hear my prayer and grant my wish for FiskalAnschlußWoche. The media is in such a flurry this week over the Friday summit. “Dimension” the Art of Superstate is in a panic. Or is it! Didn't anyone tell you there is no accident in politics, If there is you can bet it is planned that way............President Roosevelt

Stripped, punishments, exclusions, inclusions, drastic actions, exceptional powers, disintegrate, unprecedented intrusion, discipline, fundamental erosion, sinner states, reward,
scare tactic, commit, partial break-up, Europe’s misadventure. Words peppering the news this week.....
On a bed of nails she makes me wait.......And you give yourself away......... with or with out you I can live........
France & Germany call a summit to shape Europe's direction. It is the great and famous FiskalAnschlußWoche
Picture Frankfurt 2011

The Euro crisis that began in Greece almost two years ago, ensnaring Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy now threatening France and Germany, has mutated into a European moment of direction.

Fiskalunion” is now a real option. A progress born of the latest turmoil. And, one managed to produce such a scenario. This week is the deadline for Euro ins to stake their claim to Federal direction. There is hardly anymore panic left in the system to exploit, Disaster will be averted at the last moment. Austerity and Union will be seen to be attainable. But not all citizens will play this game of family re-union.

Federal Europe is off to a shaky start. Damage has been done to confidence over the past two years. Brussels is clearly incapable of winning respect from all citizens with its intrusive laws, endless fines and punishments. Although power is shifting to central bankers, the Merkozy alliance and the Confederate Nations of Europe, it will still be a summit of historic proportions. Lets hope they remember the song.
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just might find you get what you need.........rolling stones.......