28 Mar 2017

Invitation to Exhibition: Excerpts From Extraordinary Journeys

May I invite you to view my photojournalism exhibition titled "Excerpts From Extraordinary Journeys". It opens Thursday 6 April 2017 at 15.00 hrs in ArtCetera Studio, 43b Rosemary street, Belfast BT1 1QB and runs till 20 April 2017.  
Location: https://goo.gl/qQjfao  Tel: 028 90 5738500 

Image from series  Divided Cities - the Road to Damascus.

While in the Levant in the early 1990s, I witnessed the persistence of old narratives. The images in this exhibition capture the sense that these recurring stories are an extension of a troubled past.
I saw my own presence as part of this bigger picture, within which, identities have been fractured, borders disputed and peoples migrated. These are common issues relating to distinctiveness, citizenship, and dispossession that demonstrate the continuity of past and present.
From the exhibition "Excerpts From Extraordinary Journeys."
1. Excerpts from Extraordinary Journeys focus on the experience of conflict in - East Europe and the Near East. Martin Nangle’s observation documents society’s ability to maintain a sense of direction despite incredible obstacles.
War and Conflicts
1977 - 1989 Northern Ireland
1989 - 1995 The Fall of Berlin Wall 
1990 - 1991 Revolutions in Eastern Europe with special focus on Romania & Bulgaria
1990 - 1991 The Gulf War, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Intifada Israel & Palestine
1991 - 1992 The Break-up of USSR in the republic of Moldova
1992          The Siege of Sarajevo
1992 - 1995 Bosnia, Croatia & Serbia
Divided Cities
This is a visual narrative about daily life in cities divided by segregation barriers; the physical "Walls" reflect the consequences of the social and political issues of our time. They symbolise our conflicts and embody the solutions which characterise the societies we create.

Divided Cities continues the social and political journey through Europe and the Levant.
It commences in Belfast in 1973 and continues to the present.
Belfast      1973-1989
Berlin        1989 Fall of the Wall, 
Jerusalem 1990-1991
Sarajevo   1992-1994 
Nicosia      2015
Post Communism 1989 - 2001 
This journey explores the role of culture and tradition in Romania during a time of extreme austerity, uncertainty and romantic courage during post communism. The project documents how a culture and its people survived the near collapse of its society.

European Union; The Art of Superstate  2001-2017
A series of portraits and images of daily life focuses on Western European Society's preoccupation with neo pluralism and multi-culturalism. The rise of the Euroskeptics and the Brexit referendum are illustrated though pictures from Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and the UK.