Merkel is leading the Eurocore to a new beginning. It will be meaner,
leaner and ready to do business.
need more Europe, a budget union, and we need a political union first
and foremost. We must, step by step, cede responsibilities to Europe.
Countries outside the eurozone should not be able to block that
she succeeds, the new Federal Eurocore will enter the Global Stage as
an experienced and battle hardened currency.
From the ashes of 1945, Art of Superstate offers a new dawn of Democratic Syncretism. Dresden 2012 is once again a golden city for all to enjoy. |
Nations of Europe will offer support. It will provide checks and
balances within a new era of European cooperation. Weaker members of
the European Union and Art of Superstate must be confident they have
the will of the Union to carry them along.
Merkel’s War on insolvent and reckless banks and investment
institutions, the main instigators of the crisis, is understandable.
Her campaign will shape and strengthen rules to protect citizens from
the international financial sector’s plan to govern our countries
through debt, poverty and endless taxpayer bailouts.
now faces the choice. Is it to willingly join with Federal Eurocore,
or is it to join the Confederate Nations of Europe.
Art of Superstate is at the crossroads. The “Age
of Empire” is over, even
for the Czars of Money.
It is a dawn of Democratic Syncretism.
Confederate Nations of Europe and Federal Eurocore can together forge
new systems to pursue growth and wealth within the pluralist frame.